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Domestic Worker Packages (Maid, Nanny, Lady Driver)

Housemaid Service (خدمة الخادمة) provides integrated services to recruit and employ Domestic Helpers in accordance with a unique visual identity.

Domestic Worker Packages (Maid, Nanny, Lady Driver, Caregivers) Visit housemaid service to make an appointment.

Recruitment Housemaids Hire Directly from Ethiopia / Philippines Under Family / Direct Sponsorship Easy Visa Process
Full-Time Live-In Housemaids Flexible Contract Fully Sponsored Worker with Visa & Emirates ID No Hassle – Free Replacement Some Noticeable Qualities of Our Housemaid Candidates Our housemaids’ candidates are trustworthy and reliable.

They will prove to be punctual housemaids, and they will complete their tasks in a given timeframe.
Our candidates are well organized and give attention to detail to ensure that everything is cleaned and organized properly.

They are well-organized housemaids and are able to efficiently organize and maintain the home, including cleaning, laundry, and other household tasks.

Our candidates are flexible to adapt to their given work schedule.

They are having initiative qualities as they will be able to identify and address areas of the home that require cleaning or organizing, without being prompted to do so.

They are honest and transparent about any issues or concerns that arise during their work.

المرشحات العاملات لدينا جديرات بالثقة ويمكن الاعتماد عليهما. سيثبتن أنهن خادمات في
الموعد المحدد ، وسوف يكملن مهامهن في إطار زمني معين. مرشحونا منظمون جيدًا ويهتمون
بالتفاصيل لضمان تنظيف كل شيء وتنظيمه بشكل صحيح. إنهن خادمات منظمات بشكل جيد وقادرات على تنظيم
المنزل وصيانته بكفاءة ، بما في ذلك التنظيف والغسيل والمهام المنزلية الأخرى. المرشحون لدينا مرنون للتكيف مع
جدول عملهم المحدد. لديهم صفات المبادرة حيث سيكونون قادرين على تحديد ومعالجة مناطق
المنزل التي تتطلب التنظيف أو التنظيم ، دون مطالبتهم بذلك. إنهم صادقون وشفافون بشأن أي قضايا أو مخاوف تنشأ أثناء عملهم.

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